Regional Lead - Qoneqt
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    Abhishek Yadav in QONEQT

    21 Mar 12:21 AM


    Regional Lead

    :star2: Welcoming Our Newest Regional Lead! :tada:

    :wave: Hello Qoneqt Community!

    We are thrilled to introduce our newest addition to the Qoneqt family, Madhu S Gowda, our Regional Lead for Karnataka! :earth_africa:

    Madhu S Gowda brings his exceptional experience to the table, along with a deep commitment to fostering connections and representing Qoneqt in Karnataka. With his drive and dedication, we're confident he will make a significant impact in Karnataka and beyond.

    Join us in welcoming Madhu S Gowda to the team! :confetti_ball: We're excited to have him onboard and can't wait to see his contributions to our community.

    Stay tuned for updates and initiatives from Madhu S Gowda as he leads the way in Karnataka!

    #Qoneqt #RegionalLeads

    • Rohit Bajirao Deore

      Welcome Madhu S Gowda 💐

      • Madhu S Gowda

        Thank you 😄

    • Vikshita Vitthal Gujaran

      Welcome to the team Madhu @2262551709538084 ✨

      • Madhu S Gowda

        Thank you @haroon2