Weekly Contest - Qoneqt
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    Abhishek Yadav in Qoneqt Weekly Contest

    07 Mar 11:56 PM


    Weekly Contest

    Weekly contest for March 1st week is on!!!
    This week, we’ll be posting intriguing questions on Qoneqt App to put your knowledge to the test! :brain:
    The participant who answers the most questions correctly and promptly will be crowned the winner.
    Ready to take on the challenge and let the games begin on Qoneqt app :bangbang:

    • Alshifana. B

      Thank you mam 😊

    • Vikshita Vitthal Gujaran

      We thank all our participants for their Genuine particiption :sparkles:☺

    • Vikshita Vitthal Gujaran

      :trophy: Contest Winner Announcement:trophy:We\'re excited to announce that \"Alshifana. B\" is the winner of our Weekly contest!

      • Vikshita Vitthal Gujaran

        Congratulations @5611571704090278