Opensource AI can outperform private models like Chat-GPT - ARK Invest research - Qoneqt
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    Vikshita Vitthal Gujaran in Crypto News

    14-Dec-2023 04:13 PM


    Opensource AI can outperform private models like Chat-GPT - ARK Invest research

    In 2023, Yi 34B, Falcon 180B and Mixtral 8x7B emerged as some of the top open-source AI that showcased comparable performance to market leaders.

    While generative artificial intelligence (AI) models backed by centralized cloud infrastructure — such as ChatGPT — currently lead on overall performance, new research shows that open-source competitors are catching up.

    The current market leaders of generative AI, such as Google and OpenAI, took a centralized approach to building their infrastructure — effectively limiting public access to various information, including the data sources used for the training model.

    This could change, the research team at Cathy Wood’s ARK Invest claims, suggesting the possibility of open-source AI models outperforming their centralized counterparts by 2024.

    The above graph shows the progress made by open-source AI models since 2022, a few of which ended up performing better than private models. OpenAI, Google and its parent company, Alphabet, dominate the centralized AI space with popular models like ChatGPT-4 and Gemini Ultra. On the other hand, Meta (formerly Facebook), Mistral and a few Chinese AI models opted for an open-source approach.

    Source - Coin Telegraph