🌐BBVA Takes a Leap in Crypto Custody: Migrates to Ripple-Owned Metacos Harmonize 🚀💼 - Qoneqt
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    Sonal Shridhar Shinde in Crypto News

    08-Dec-2023 04:43 PM


    :globe_with_meridians:BBVA Takes a Leap in Crypto Custody: Migrates to Ripple-Owned Metaco's Harmonize :rocket::briefcase:

    In a strategic move, BBVA, a prominent financial institution, makes waves in the crypto space by migrating its crypto custody service to Harmonize, a platform owned by Ripple-acquired Metaco. This shift reflects a growing acknowledgment of the transformative potential of blockchain technology in traditional finance. Metaco's Harmonize is designed to provide a secure and streamlined infrastructure for managing digital assets. BBVA's adoption of this platform signifies a significant step toward integrating crypto services within mainstream banking, emphasizing the evolving role of cryptocurrencies in the financial landscape.

    :bank: #BBVA #CryptoCustody #MetacoHarmonize #Ripple #BlockchainIntegration #FinancialInnovation :rocket:
    Source: Cointelegraph