🎁Join the @qoneqtapp survey and win!🎉 - Qoneqt
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    Sonal Shridhar Shinde in Qoneqt Weekly Contest

    07-Dec-2023 06:08 PM


    :gift:Join the @qoneqtapp survey and win!:tada:

    We're giving away gift vouchers to the top 3 valid feedbacks from our survey.:heart_eyes:
    Share with your friends, and let's make it a community effort! Your insights matter, and we've got something special in return. Participate now and spread the word! :rocket::globe_with_meridians:

    Share your feedback by Sunday night, i.e., December 10, 2023.:raised_hands:


    #QoneqtSurvey #GiftVoucherGiveaway #ShareAndWin #GiveawayAlert #Qoneqt