🚀 Join us today at the Qoneqt Community Call, sponsored by @EclipseFND !🌐 - Qoneqt
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    Rohit Bajirao Deore in Qoneqt Community Call

    05-Dec-2023 05:08 PM


    :rocket: Join us today at the Qoneqt Community Call, sponsored by @EclipseFND !:globe_with_meridians:

    Explore the world of web3 and blockchain in simple terms—no jargon, just fun learning! :star2:

    Plus, enjoy free swags and complimentary food as you dive into the future of technology. :tada: Don't miss out on this awesome event where knowledge meets great goodies! See you there! :wave:

    :date: 5th Dec 2023
    :timer: 5.30 PM - 8.30 PM
    :round_pushpin: 91Springboard ITPL Main Road, Mahadevapura

    #QoneqtCommunityCall #Web3 #Blockchain #TechEvent #EclipseSponsorship #FreeSwags #ComplimentaryFood