Institutional Traders Divided: Bitcoin vs. Ethereum - Insights from Bybit Research - Qoneqt
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    Sonal Shridhar Shinde in Crypto News

    04-Dec-2023 02:57 PM


    Institutional Traders Divided: Bitcoin vs. Ethereum - Insights from Bybit Research

    Insights from Bybit Research reveal a fascinating trend among institutional traders! :bar_chart: The crypto landscape is witnessing a split in preferences, with institutional traders divided between Bitcoin and Ethereum. The report from Bybit sheds light on the dynamic choices shaping the market, reflecting the diverse strategies employed by institutional players. As Bitcoin and Ethereum continue to dominate the crypto space, this division adds an intriguing layer to the ongoing narrative. Stay informed as the institutional landscape evolves, influencing the trajectories of these leading cryptocurrencies. :globe_with_meridians::chart_with_upwards_trend:

    #CryptoMarkets #InstitutionalTraders #Bitcoin #Ethereum #BybitResearch #CryptoInsights #MarketTrends #BlockchainInvesting #CryptoNews
    Source: Coindesk