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    Sonal Shridhar Shinde in News

    26-Oct-2023 11:12 AM


    :briefcase: World Bank and Euroclear Collaborate on Blockchain-Based Digital Native Security Issuance

    In a significant move towards modernizing the financial sector, the World Bank and Euroclear are joining forces to unveil a blockchain-based platform for digital native security issuance. This innovative partnership seeks to enhance the efficiency and accessibility of the issuance process.

    :globe_with_meridians:The integration of blockchain technology promises to streamline the issuance of securities, making it faster, more secure, and more cost-effective.

    :bulb:By leveraging blockchain, the World Bank and Euroclear aim to provide broader access to capital markets, reduce barriers for investors, and facilitate a more inclusive and transparent financial ecosystem.

    This collaborative effort represents a significant step towards the digital transformation of traditional financial systems and highlights the growing acceptance of blockchain technology in the world of finance. The adoption of digital native securities has the potential to reshape the landscape of capital markets and investment opportunities.
    #WorldBank #Euroclear #Blockchain #DigitalSecurities #FinancialInnovation #Fintech #BlockchainTechnology #FinancialInclusion #CryptocurrencyNews
    Source: Crypto News