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    Sonal Shridhar Shinde in News

    05-Oct-2023 02:49 PM


    Rising Concern: India's West Coast Faces Growing Threat of Frequent and Intense Cyclones

    A recent report from the Indian Express highlights the escalating risk of more frequent and severe cyclones along India's west coast due to climate change. Climate scientists have observed a concerning trend, with the Arabian Sea becoming a hotspot for cyclonic activity. Rising sea surface temperatures provide the energy needed for cyclones to intensify rapidly, posing a significant threat to coastal communities and infrastructure. This alarming development necessitates immediate action to strengthen preparedness and resilience in vulnerable regions. Coastal states like Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Goa need to prioritize climate-adaptive infrastructure, early warning systems, and disaster management strategies. Additionally, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions remains crucial to combating the root cause of this climate crisis, making international cooperation and sustainable policies imperative for the future.
    Source: The Indian Express