Poor Sleep At Night Can Impact Your Work Performance The Next Day, Heres How - Qoneqt
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    Vikshita Vitthal Gujaran in Lifestyle

    05-Apr-2023 12:35 PM


    Poor Sleep At Night Can Impact Your Work Performance The Next Day, Here's How

    Poor sleep can also affect our performance the next day at work.
    Now, according to new research, poor sleep can also affect our performance the next day at work.
    The findings demonstrate that on days with good as compared to bad sleep (that is, higher sleep quality or duration) employees perform better at their core work tasks, are more engaged at work, and are more likely to support colleagues.
    The research explained that sleep is particularly important for higher-level cognitive skills that we use to control and coordinate our thoughts and behaviour.
    A lot of what we do at work requires willpower.
    In a study published in the journal BMJ Open Respiratory Research, unhealthful sleep patterns and sleep traits at baseline were significantly associated with the risk of asthma in adults.

    Source - NDTV