Google claims its custom-built AI supercomputer outperforms Nvidias systems - Qoneqt
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    Vikshita Vitthal Gujaran in News

    05-Apr-2023 10:48 AM


    Google claims its custom-built AI supercomputer outperforms Nvidia's systems

    On Tuesday, Google released new information about the supercomputers it uses to train its AI models, stating that they are faster and more power-efficient than similar systems from Nvidia corporation.
    AI training involves feeding data through models to make them effective at tasks such as generating images or responding to queries with human-like text.
    Google (TPU) has now advanced to its fourth generation.
    The company has developed custom optical switches to help connect individual machines.
    The company has developed a system that allows for easy reconfiguration of connections between chips on the fly, which can help to avoid problems and improve performance.

    Source - Mint