Apple blocks update to email app with ChatGPT tech - WSJ - Qoneqt
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    Vikshita Vitthal Gujaran in Apple News

    03-Mar-2023 11:02 AM


    Apple blocks update to email app with ChatGPT tech - WSJ

    Apple Inc has delayed the approval of an update to an email app with AI-powered tools due to worries that it may generate inappropriate content for children, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing communications between the iPhone maker and the app developer.
    Placing a higher age restriction on the app could limit distribution to potential new users.
    Blix and Volach did not immediately respond to Reuters' requests for comment.
    OpenAI's ChatGPT, which can generate content in response to user prompts, has captivated the tech industry.
    Microsoft and Alphabet Inc's Google both announced their own AI chatbots earlier in February.

    Source - Hindustan Times