Whats the Relationship Between Blockchain and Web3? - Qoneqt
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    Vikshita Vitthal Gujaran in OBOSWAP

    21-Feb-2023 11:10 AM


    What's the Relationship Between Blockchain and Web3?

    The internet has evolved from the “read-only” Web 1.0 to the current state of Web 2.0, which is often described as participatory and social-driven.
    Blockchain and crypto could also make Web3 more community-centered through decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).
    Web2 companies also use the data to keep users on their websites and create targeted ads for third parties’ benefit.
    Also, non fungible tokens (NFTs) could help verify identity and ownership within the digital realm in a way that does not compromise users’ control of their personal data.
    What will Web3 with crypto and blockchain look like?
    In addition, blockchain technology and digital assets do not rival other key components of Web – such as AR, VR, and the internet of things – as they are likely to yield the most promising solutions when combined with one another.

    Source -https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/what-s-the-relationship-between-blockchain-and-web3?ref=AZTKZ9XS&utm_source=BinanceTwitter&utm_medium=GlobalSocial&utm_campaign=GlobalSocial
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