What Are Decentralized Applications (DApps)? - Qoneqt
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    Vikshita Vitthal Gujaran in OBOSWAP

    14-Feb-2023 02:04 PM


    What Are Decentralized Applications (DApps)?

    Decentralized applications (DApps) are applications that run on top of blockchain networks. There is a great variety of DApps with different use cases, such as gaming, finance, social media, and more.

    Although DApps can look similar to regular mobile apps on your phone, their backend system is different. DApps rely on smart contracts on a distributed network instead of a centralized system to function. It makes them more transparent, decentralized, and resistant to attacks, but also introduces some new challenges.

    Source - https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/what-are-decentralized-applications-dapps?ref=AZTKZ9XS&utm_source=BinanceTwitter&utm_medium=GlobalSocial&utm_campaign=GlobalSocial
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