What is Spot Market and How to do Stop Trading? - Qoneqt
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    Vikshita Vitthal Gujaran in OBOSWAP

    13-Jan-2023 11:17 AM


    What is Spot Market and How to do Stop Trading?

    Spot trading involves directly purchasing or selling financial instruments and assets such as cryptocurrencies, forex, stocks, or bonds.
    When trading on spot markets, you can only use assets you own - there is no leverage or margin.
    In most cases, DEX users don’t need to create an account and can trade directly with one another, without the need for transferring assets onto the DEX.
    Spot trading in the OTC market uses multiple communication methods to organize trades, including phones and instant messaging.
    The exchange often can't totally fill your order at the price wanted, so you have to take higher prices to complete the order.
    At the top, you can see the cryptocurrency trading pair and other market information, such as daily price change and volume.

    Source -https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/what-is-a-spot-market-and-how-to-do-spot-trading?ref=AZTKZ9XS&utm_source=BinanceTwitter&utm_medium=GlobalSocial&utm_campaign=GlobalSocial

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