What Is Layer 0 in Blockchain? - Qoneqt
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    Vikshita Vitthal Gujaran in OBOSWAP

    12-Jan-2023 11:19 AM


    What Is Layer 0 in Blockchain?

    Layer 0 protocols are essentially the infrastructure upon which Layer 1 blockchains can be built.
    As a foundational layer to blockchain networks and applications, Layer 0 protocols are among many solutions aiming to fix the challenges the industry faces, such as scalability and interoperability.
    However, not all blockchain ecosystems can be classified into these categories.
    Some common outcomes of this are enhanced transaction speeds and greater efficiency.
    Layer 0 protocols give developers great flexibility to customize their own blockchains, allowing them to define their own token issuance models and control the type of DApps they want built on their blockchains.
    Cosmos Founded in 2014 by Ethan Buchman and Jae Kwon, the Cosmos network consists of a

    Source - https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/what-is-layer-0-in-blockchain?utm_source=BinanceAcademy&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Article

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