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    Sonal Shridhar Shinde in Viral Videos

    31-Mar-2023 06:15 AM

    Students bring pressure cooker, bucket, and more to celebrate ‘no bag’ day in Chennai college

    People have been amused by a video of students in a college in Chennai celebrating "No Bag Day." Shared on Instagram, the video shows the things that the understudies got rather than their packs. People have been amused by the video that shows how creative the people are. It probably will have the same effect on you as well.

    “POV: The video's caption reads, "It's no bag day in your college." Several hashtags, including #collegelife, #chennaicollege, and #womenschristiancollege, are included in the share. The students are shown walking around the video holding various items at the beginning. The video demonstrates how imaginatively the students celebrated the fun day, using everything from a pressure cooker to a bucket to a carton.
    Source: Hindustan Times