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    Vikshita Vitthal Gujaran in OBOSWAP

    05-Jan-2023 06:24 AM


    What are the best strategies for beginners in crypto trading?

    Introduction There are countless ways to profit off of trading cryptocurrency.
    Even so, fundamental analysis considers events that may take a long time to play out – and these are the moves that trend traders try to take advantage of.
    Scalping is an advanced trading strategy that isn’t recommended for beginner traders due to its complexity.
    This strategy is typically used in long-term investment portfolios, where the idea is simply to get in the market without any regard for timing.
    While Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies have only been around for a little more than a decade, the HODL phenomenon could be compared to the buy and hold strategy.
    In other words, your trading strategies should be constantly evolving as you gain trading experience.

    Source -
    $Qtoken #Qoneqt #QTO #Oboswap #trading #TradingCards #SwingTrading #DayTrading #scalpers #liquidity #yieldFarming #Ethereum #Binance #Polygon #Bitcoin #crypto #CryptoNews