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    QONEQT in Bollywood

    18-Oct-2022 11:25 AM


    Akshay Kumar ranks number 1 on TAM’s list of most visible stars in TV ads

    Akshay Kumar’s appeal, apart from among the movie-goers, remains unparallelled in the advertisement world too.
    A favourite with brands, he currently endorses everything, from real estate to shoes.

    With an average visibility of 37 hours per day across all channels, the 55-year-old was the most visible star.
    Film stars contributed more than 80 percent of advertising during the period.

    More than 50% ads in the mentioned time span were endorsed by top three celebrity couples- Kumar-Khanna on top, Amitabh and Jaya Bachchan at second, followed by Ranbir Kapoor and Alia.
    Source: Hindustan Times