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    QONEQT in Crypto News

    22-Sep-2022 05:47 PM



    The latest Dapps report focuses on GameStop, analyzing the company's performance since it moved to Web3 on July 11, 2022.

    Formerly the world's largest video game retailer, GameStop has repositioned itself as an NFT gaming destination. In this competitor competes, sports hold on in the middle of the first ten, as a new dapps story.

    In August 2022, Gamestop is divided into NFF market in total of $ 6,387,516. Also, GameStop's best trading day was the second day after its launch, when its trading volume reached $2 million.

    In general, the total business for the platform exceeded $ 22 million, 58% of which was won in the first trading month of July. In total, GameStop has raised $496,506 since its inception.

    OpenSea first
    Make no mistake, the lion's share of this market is OpenSea. In fact, OpenSea boasts a daily market value of $10 million and an average of 33,474 unique customers in the market.

    Although this is only GameStop's early days, they are now well behind OpenSea with a total of 21,878 unique customers. Among other competitors, Magic controls 7% of the total market, and GameStop currently takes 0.7% of NFT's organic market.

    Just above GameStop in the pack is NBA Top Shot, which commanded a total of $6,752,696 in August, 5% more than GameStop. Despite GameStop's focus on NFT games, which is a growing market, GameStop's early days have been poor.

    Meanwhile, Coinbase, Warner Brothers, and Disney have all launched their own NFT stores, which could undermine GameStop's entry into the Web3 space. Conflict is bad for business
    As mentioned in the latest Dapps report, a bit of bad publicity could hinder GameStop's progress so far.

    In July, GameStop had a problem with counterfeit NFT, which turned out to be a photo version of the famous photo. The NFT was traded several times and reached a price of 5 ETH / $7,492, before being removed from the market.

    In addition, another collection was caught selling work without a license and was brought down after a major public outcry. In terms of being a new player in the space, these events haven't done GameStop any favors.